Sumner and Cowley County

The Wichita Family Crisis Center provides comprehensive services for victims of sexual and domestic violence and sexual exploitation with the intent of increasing safety for victims, increasing accountability for perpetrators, and creating a community environment that recognizes these issues and works to prevent future occurrences.


Outreach Services

Outreach services are available to anyone facing domestic violence who needs the support of a advocate, but may not need shelter services. Advocates work with individuals to assess current needs and lethality risks and complete a comprehensive safety plan. Support groups and classes are available to increase victim’s understanding of domestic violence, its impacts on their life and their children’s lives, to increase support networks, and help them heal from trauma that is a result of abuse.

Education and Prevention

Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness among women and children, yet it remains an elusive and underreported social problem. Domestic violence takes many forms including dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. It is an issue that many would prefer not to think or talk about. Education is imperative to break the cycle of violence and the Wichita Family Crisis Center works to increase the community’s understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence, the needs of victims and the services available.

Staff provides training for professionals, community groups, as well as juveniles dealing with topics of dating violence and healthy relationships. The Women’s Crisis Center also participates in community events, health fairs and informational forums to help raise awareness about domestic violence.

Children’s Programming

Children’s Programming operates out of concern for children who have witnessed violent situations. It is critical for children who have been exposed to this environment to understand the importance of healthy relationships.

Children’s Programming provides care and recreation for children, while at the same time encouraging positive behavior patterns. The positive approach offers alternatives to a life that may have been dominated by violence and the belief that physical force is a successful way to get what is wanted. The program focuses on reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors using A Window Between Worlds and Love and Logic curriculum.

Court Advocacy

Advocates provide support to survivors as they move through the legal court systems and access protective orders.

Medical Advocacy

Advocates respond onsite to medical and mental health facilities to provide support and assistance to survivors in accessing services related to domestic violence.

Sumner and Cowley County Location
917 Main St
Winfield, KS 67156

24/7 Crisis Line 620-229-7233

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